I Found the Woodstock Song! I Found the Woodstock Song!

A picture of the 45 RPM single from Matthews Southern Comfort cover of 'Woodstock'.

Matthews’ Southern Comfort did the cover of “Woodstock” in 1971 that I have so loved and been unable to find through the years!

What am I talking about, you say? Back in August I asked Who was that masked musician?. I started out that post by saying:

There’s an old recording of the song “Woodstock” (lyrics include “We are stardust, we are golden, we’ve got to get ourselves back to the garden…”) that keeps rolling through my mind.

NASA Wants to Build a Moon House

NASA moon house prototype

NASA moon house prototypeThe Christian Science Monitor reports that NASA has announced a plan to establish a permanent base on Luna’s south pole by the year 2020. That’s just 13 years and a few weeks away.

That’s more than a lifetime for a space program initiative. Many things can derail the progress of reaching out to other planetary bodies in the Solar System.

One has to wonder if the American people have the collective willpower to pull this off.…

As the Moon Goes, So Go We

The Earth and the Moon

The Earth and the MoonIf you’re interested in speculating about evolution and things like that, I came across several interesting shows on The Science Channel over the past week. I don’t normally watch much television, but I needed to take a break from working on Web sites (the Compuserve IMPs site, btw, is coming along).

The first show was “Before the Dinosaurs”. I didn’t see all of it, but what I did see explained at least one of the mass extinctions that occurred long before there were dinosaurs.…

Do You Know the Shoe Shine Man?

Don Ward: Classic New York City shoe shine man

Do you know the shoe shine man, the shoe shine man? Do you know the shoe shine man, the one on first avenue?

Okay, not quite as cute as “Do you know the muffin man” but I got my shoes shined yesterday. While you may not think that’s a big thing (anyone can buy shoe polish and rub it on their shoes), it’s a big thing to me.…

Moses and the Sea Peoples

Sea Peoples

Sea PeoplesI’ve been staying close to my hotel room the past few days in part to save some money but also to give myself a chance to work on some Web site tasks. To keep from going nuts, I turn on the television and listen to the news or interesting shows on the History Channel. Lately, they’ve been running programs about Egypt and the Middle East that have led me to think about possible connections between discrete historical events.…

A Sermon for Those Who Need to be Preached To

Flip Wilson as the Reverend Leroy

Dear brethren, we are come together today to speak about the dreadful things that have caused all manner of grief and disharmony among our beloved and beloving family.

A family, as we all well know, is the whole of a plant, from its seeds to its flowers, to its roots and its stems. A family, as we all well know, is like a grape on the vine that longeth for the sweet warmness of the sun in the cloudiest of days, and for the cool shade of the grey skies in a parched and dissolate landscape.…

On the Road with Charles Kur — er, Michael Martinez

The moon rises above the mountains on the Oregon/Idaho border.

I wish I had time to write a full account of my trip so far, but after taking nearly 200 pictures (via cell phone), I think I’ll never be able to document my journey from Houston to Seattle very well. But I wanted to share the picture of the moonrise. Alas! my cell phone doesn’t do the beauty of an Oregon moonrise justice.…

Lou Dobbs, Armchair-Commander-in-Chief, Orders Generals to Deliver

Lou Dobbs Iraq exit plan

Lou Dobbs Iraq exit planLou Dobbs must be looking for link love, so here it is, Lou.

Once again Mr. Dobbs has gone off into LalaLand, informing the American people that President Bush is under some moral obligation to explain exactly how we’re going to end the conflict in Iraq. Everyone set your watches now, because if Mr. Bush doesn’t deliver, Armchair-commander-in-chief Dobbs undoubtedly has the plan that the generals have all been waiting for.…

Forty Years of Boldly Going Where No One Has Gone Before

Star Trek 40th Anniversary

Star Trek 40th AnniversaryThe original words in the opening credits, spoken by William Shatner, were:

Space, the final frontier. These are the voyages of the Starship Enterprise. Its five-year mission: to explore strange new worlds; to seek out new life and new civilizations; to boldly go where no man has gone before.

Of course, it took a while to get there.

Standard Opening Narration.…

Superhero Rites of Passage and Other Momentous Ramblings

The Incredibles

The IncrediblesI watched “The Incredibles” again a couple of weeks ago…or maybe last week…sometime recently. I don’t have much movie-watching time these days so which flick I pick for my personal viewing pleasure becomes a hard choice. If you have read my review of ‘The Incredibles’ on Epinions, you know I like the movie. One of the scenes that stands out is where Helen (Elastigirl) hands masks over to her children, Violet (Invisigirl?)…

The Last Cha Cha

The best dance ever

There are three reasons why you may not see a blog post from me at any given time:

  1. I don’t have anything to say
  2. I don’t have access to the Internet
  3. I’m too busy to sit down and share my thoughts with my reading public

The best dance everOn a rare day, all three reasons may fall together. Over the next couple of days, I’ll be traveling and won’t have access to the Internet.…