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Michael Martinez writes for more than 1 blog. People often search here, on Michael’s personal blog, for words or topics that he writes about on Here are some links to help you find popular topics.

If you searched for “arthdein”, “arthedain”, “rhudaur”, or “rhudar” on this site, you may be interested in Good Night, Good Rhudaur or Rhudaur and the Little Folk or Why Would Amlaith Divide Arnor with His Brothers? on The Middle-earth Blog.

If you searched for “blue wizards” on this site, you may be interested in Questions with Short Answers on The Middle-earth Blog.

If you searched for “Cirdan” on this site, you may be interested in Why Does Cirdan Have A Beard? or How Do Cirdan’s Ships Sail Over Sea? on The Middle-earth Blog.

If you searched for “Elendil” on this site, you may be interested in Was Elendil the Rightful King of the Númenoreans? or Hod Did Gil-galad and Elendil Stand against Sauron? on The Middle-earth Blog.

If you searched for “Gil-galad” or “gil galad” on this site, you may be interested in Gil-galad Was An Elven King or A History of the Last Alliance of Elves and Men, Part 1 on The Middle-earth Blog.

If you searched for “irish mythology” on this site, you may be interested in How Much Was Tolkien Influenced by Irish Mythology? on The Middle-earth Blog.

If you searched for “Isildur” on this site, you may be interested in Why Did Isildur Cut the Ring from Sauron’s Body? or What Would Have Happened to Isildur If He Lived? on The Middle-earth Blog.

If you searched for “Ithil” on this site, you may be interested in “Could Elrond Have Helped to Take Back Minas Ithil? or Ithilien, Moon over Gondor on The Middle-earth Blog.

If you searched for “Samwise” on this site, you may be interested in Why Does Sam Call Frodo “Mr”? or Who Blessed the Shire after the Fall of Sauron? on The Middle-earth Blog.

If you searched for “Tolkien” on this site, you may be interested in Did J.R.R. Tolkien Think The Lord of the Rings Was “English”? or Did Christopher Tolkien Write The Silmarillion? on The Middle-earth Blog.

Are You Looking for Something on This Site?

If you searched for “air conditioning” or “air conditioner” or “portable” on this site, you may be looking for Hurricane Survival Kit: Portable Air Conditioning.

If you searched for “does beowulf exist” on this site, well, not any more and maybe not ever. But it’s an interesting question.