Category: Main

Hey! It’s NOT Me!

Harrison Ford says 'Hey, it's me!' in Star Wars: Return of the Jedi, but the words overlaid on the picture say 'Hey! It's NOT Me!'

So a while back I was browsing the Interwebs and I came across a bizarre discussion on Quora. I use the word “discussion” loosely, as I’m not sure there was any real discussion involved. But before I get to that, let me make one thing perfectly clear.

I Haven’t Had A Quora Account for Years

I forget when I shut down my Quora account.…

I Need To Blog and I Have No Words

Illustration of a silhouetted boy staring up at stars on a clear night. A cat approaches him from the side.

I need to write a blog post and I can’t write very well. Almost a week ago I was in a car accident and I’m still recovering from it. Typing is uncomfortable. But don’t worry: this blog post is not a long explanation of what happened nor a rant about the inadequacies of modern medical science. I’m alive to tell you this much and that’s good enough.…

Chinese Dramas I Have Reviewed on SF-Fandom’s Forums

Promotional posters for several of the Chinese dramas Michael Martinez reviewed on the SF Fandom forums.

People around the world love science fiction and fantasy. None of us will ever be able to enjoy all of it. But something we can do is sample the SciFi literature and drama that other countries produce. For most Americans that probably means following Doctor Who on BBC America and maybe supporting the Harry Potter franchise.

But if you grew up watching low-budget scifi movies on television you’ve probably seen your share of Japanese Kaiju (giant monster) movies.…

Facebook Suspended My Account – I Won’t Be Back

A dirt road leads up a green, grassy hill on a beautiful day.
[ Update: 2023-03-07 ]

The original account (which I managed to reactivate as described in updates below) has now also been suspended without explanation. Meanwhile, Twitter complaints about accounts being restricted or suspended by Facebook for inexplicable community standards violations seem to be increasing in number. I’ve now blocked all email from Facebook domains. I can’t get back in no matter what they try to do.

The Most Perfect Awesome Early 70s Mix of Soft Rock Favorites

A psychedelic image evoking the styles of the 60s and 70s.

I grew up on a mix of progressive rock, hard rock, boogie, rhythm and blues, southern rock, and a lot of other styles. Every now and then I fall into the mood for a particular sound. I may spend hours looking for songs that match that sound worm in my memories.

I used to listen to these songs all day long and all night long.…

Sometimes Your Content is TOO Evergreen

A closeup shot of pine leaves on an evergreen tree.

As a Web marketer you eventually find yourself talking about “evergreen content” with people.  Maybe you are giving a presentation, writing a tutorial, in a meeting with a business decision-maker, or perhaps just passing time in a bar with your Web marketing friends.  You cannot exist in Web marketing today without someone mentioning these words to you.  In fact, evergreen content is one of those objectionable goals that marketers dangle in front of prospects, clients, and business leaders.…

Why are We Mere Humans So Bad at Interviewing Each Other?

Would you hire this man? If Vladimir Putin interviewed for a job with you, what would you look for in his skills and personality?

For reasons that will never be clear to me I found myself browsing a thread on Quora where people offered advice on how to spot “assholes” when interviewing job candidates.  I only ever hired one person I would have described with that word and we not only made an offer, that was the only person who fit the criteria I had been handed by my boss for finding “the right candidate”.  …